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Fratelli Tutti Study Guide

Fratelli Tutti Study Guide

On the feast of St. Francis in 2020, Pope Francis released his third encyclical: Fratelli Tutti, On Fraternity and Social Friendship. 

Click here to view the Fratelli Tutti study guide provided by the Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns. 


“A worldwide tragedy like the Covid-19 pandemic momentarily revived the sense that we are a global community, all in the same boat, where one person’s problems are the problems of all. Once more we realized that no one is saved alone; we can only be saved together.”- Fratelli Tutti, 32.

Session One: If we want to encounter and help one another, we have to dialogue.”  Fratelli Tutti, 198. 

Encounter Pope Francis’ key ideas, reflections and recommendations found in this encyclical. Explore how we may engage our friends, families and community in discussing difficult topics that often divide us.

 Click here to watch the recording of the session.

Note: recording began after the introduction of our facilitator, Susan Nedza MD.

Susan has been a member of the SFX family for many years and she worked as an emergency physician at LaGrange Memorial Hospital .  More recently, she received a Master of Liberal Arts degree where her thesis was focused on identifying Catholic eco-poetry to support the Pope’s call to care for the world in Laudato Si. She has served as a medical missionary in Latin America and most recently as a participant in the Pan-African Catholic theological network.  She lives in Hinsdale with her husband Dr. Oswaldo Lastres and their west highland terrier, Maevis.


Session Two: “The Good Samaritan: Who is my Neighbor?” 

Explore how our own perceptions, personal interests and cultural norms impact who we see as our neighbors as worthy of our concern, love and engagement.

Click here to watch the recording of the session.


Session Three: "Self-gift as the Key to Deeper Fulfillment" 

Explore practical actions we can embrace in our personal lives and families in response to the call to build a more just post-pandemic world.

Click here to watch the recording of the session.