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Saint Francis Xavier Parish


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Catholic Heart Workcamp 2024 Mission Trip

Louisville, Kentucky

June 9th-14th

Teens will spend each workday going to residents’ homes, Social Service Agencies (such as food pantries, and childcare centers), or other areas of need, gardening, painting, building, or whatever needs to be done.  After the workday, teens will have free time, shower and eat dinner, followed by evening programming—Music, Games, Adoration, Speakers or Prayer. 

It is a unique opportunity for your teen to meet peers from around the country, work with residents in the community, and develop deeper relationships with peers and with God.

Friday is a FREE DAY, where our SFX, St. Cletus, and SJC Group will spend the day before heading home Friday night.  Past Mission Trip Groups have enjoyed a day at King’s Island and Michigan’s Adventure Park. 

Teens will have various fundraisers to offset the cost of transportation, chaperone costs, snacks, and free day.


Registration is closed.  


Questions? Contact:

Katie Pruitt for St. John of the Cross - kpruitt@stjohnofthecross.org

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